Anushka Sen is an Indian model and TV actress best known as Meher, the main character in the popular children's fantasy show Baal Veer. She has also played Manikarnika Rao/Rani lakshmi Bai in the Indian TV show of the same name, Jhansi Ki Rani. Anushka Sen was born the 4th of August 2002 in Jharkhand, India. Anirban Sen is her father and Rajrupa is her mother. Anushka sen debut TV periodical Kitne door Kitne paas Hobbies Dancing & swimming. It's adorable. It's a pretty girl with a long, luscious hair and a beautiful smile. Young Indian actor and influencer who played Choti Parvati on Mahadev prior to landing the role in the film Maher in Baal Veer. Anushka is an Indian model and television actress born in Jharkhand on the 4th of August 2002. Her most well-known role is in Bal Veer's fantasy drama, which stars the sprat. Her family, which was originally from Jharkhand relocated to Mumbai in which Anushka started her studies. Anushka's excellent grades allowed h...